The Korean peninsula in transition


The Korean peninsula in transition

edited by Dae Hwan Kim and Tat Yan Kong

(St. Antony's series)

Macmillan , St. Martin's Press, 1997

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大学図書館所蔵 件 / 27



Includes bibliographies (p. 255-264) and index



Since the 1980s the Korean peninsula has been in a state of transition. Forged by the Cold War, the politico-economic systems of North and South Korea as well as the international system of Northeast Asia are in a state of flux. Apart from identifying the main aspects of the transition taking place, this volume explains the sources of change and continuity, and relates the empirical trends from Korea to the contemporary debates in the social sciences.


  • List of Tables - List of Figures - Preface - Notes on the Contributors - Acknowledgements - Introduction: Aspects of the Transition and Theoretical Consideration
  • T.Y.Kong & D.H.Kim - PART 1: COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Industrial Development and Technology
  • S.Lall -Economic Concentration and Disparities: The Political Economy of Class, Region and the Chaebol
  • D.H.Kim - North and South Korean Economies Compared
  • E. G.Hwang - PART 2: REGIME CHANGE AND CONTINUITY - Democratisation and its Aftermath: Transition and Continuity in South Korea
  • T.Y.Kong - North Korea in Retrospect
  • A.Foster-Carter - PART 3: FOREIGN POLICY - South Korean Foreign Policy
  • L.Middleton - North Korean Foreign Policy
  • J.Hoare - PART 4: KOREA IN THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM - The Political Economy of Diplomacy: North and South Korea and the Competition for International Support
  • B.Gills - The Korean Peninsula: From Regional Order to Security System?
  • S.Kirby - Conclusion: The Korean Peninsula in Transition
  • T.Y.Kong & D.H.Kim - Bibliography - Index

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