Compiler construction


Compiler construction

Niklaus Wirth

(International computer science series)

Addison-Wesley, 1996


Grundlagen und Techniken des Compilerbaus

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



Bibliography: p173. - Includes index

3.5 in. computer disk attached to inside back cover

Translation of: Grundlagen und Techniken des Compilerbaus



A refreshing antidote to heavy theoretical tomes, this book is a concise, practical guide to modern compiler design and construction by an acknowledged master. Readers are taken step-by-step through each stage of compiler design, using the simple yet powerful method of recursive descent to create a compiler for Oberon-0, a subset of the author's Oberon language. The hands-on, pragmatic approach makes the book equally attractive for project-oriented courses in compiler design and for software engineers wishing to develop their skills in system software. A disk provided with the book gives full listings of the Oberon-0 compiler and associated tools. There is a bug in the installation of this disk, to correct please do the following: *Open the file install.inf in a text editor (e.g. Notepad), this file is found in the win_sys directory. *Scroll down until you find a section marked (files), this is the second last section and is very close to the bottom of the file. *Find the line readme.wri =$I, 9000,0,Information on Oberon, 0,0 and change it so that it reads readme.txt =$I, 9000,0,Information on Oberon, 0,0


*Introduction *Language and Syntax *Regular Languages *Analysis of Context-free Languages *Attributed Grammars and Semantics *The Programming Language Oberon-0 *A Parser for Oberon-0 *Consideration of Context Specified by Declarations *ARISC-Architecture as Target *Expressions and Assignments *Conditional and Repeated Statements, Boolean Expressions *Procedures and the Concept of Locality *Elementary Data Types *Open Arrays, Pointers and Procedure Types *Modules and Separate Compilation *Code Optimisation and the Frontend/Backend Structure

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