Social stratification and inequality : class conflict in historical and comparative perspective


Social stratification and inequality : class conflict in historical and comparative perspective

Harold R. Kerbo

McGraw-Hill, c1996

3rd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references (p. 511-560) and indexes



This text provides coverage of research and theory relating to social stratification in the US and selected international societies. It adopts general conflict principles as its theoretical orientation, and focuses on the development and maintenance of the structure of inequality. This edition has been updated to include data from the 1990 census and features examples, figures and tables. A new chapter on race, ethnicity and gender focuses on important issues of inequality. There are also new chapters on Germany and on Japan.


  • Perspectives and concepts in the study of social stratification
  • dimensions of inequality in the US
  • social stratification in human societies - the history of inequality
  • social stratification theory - early settlements
  • modern theories of social stratification
  • the upper class
  • the corporate class
  • the middle and working classes
  • poverty and the political economy of welfare
  • the persistence of ascription - gender, race, and ethnic inequality
  • the social mobility - class, ascription and achievement
  • the process of legitimization
  • the world stratification in Japan
  • social stratificaiton in Germany.

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