Redbrick University revisited : the autobiography of "Bruce Truscot"


Redbrick University revisited : the autobiography of "Bruce Truscot"

edited by Ann L. MacKenzie and Adrian R. Allan

Liverpool University Press, 1996

  • : cased
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2




Under the pseudonym "Bruce Truscot", E. Allison Peers coined the term "redbrick university" in the 1940s, in books which helped to shape developing attitudes and methods in British universities in the post-war years. This book is an edited and annotated edition of a hitherto unpublished autobiographical account of Peers's life as a lecturer and professor at the University of Liverpool in the inter-war period. In two parts, the first straightforward account serves as a key to the second pseudo-autobiography by "Bruce Truscot", a lecturer in "English" at "Redbrick University" (Peers was in fact Professor of Spanish at Liverpool). The whole work is most illuminating of an earlier period in British higher education and of the character and experiences of one of Britain's most distinguished Hispanists.

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