Eczema in childhood : the facts


    • Atherton, David J.


Eczema in childhood : the facts

David J. Atherton

(Oxford medical publications)

Oxford University Press, c1994

  • pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes index



The lives of thousands of children and their families are affected by eczema, a skin disorder which can vary from a small, mildly irritating patch of skin to a much more widespread, unsightly rash. While conventional treatments have given relief to many children, others continue to suffer the physical and emotional pain associated with severe eczema. Dr Atherton is an expert in children's skin disorders, based at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. He is also involved in scientific research into the causes and treatment of eczema. In this book for parents and affected children he explains clearly the very latest in what we know about the causes of eczema and what can be done to treat it, including complementary therapies. He also gives practical advice on where to go for help and support. This book is intended for parents and children affected by eczema; GPs.


1.: The normal skin. 2.: What is eczema?. 3.: Why atopic?. 4.: What is atopic eczema?. 5.: What are the causes of atopic eczema?. 6.: What is the outlook?. 7.: Skin infections. 8.: How should eczema be treated?. 9.: Other problems in children with eczema. 10.: Immunizations and eczema. 11.: Living with your eczematous child. 12.: Education and career planning. 13.: Eczema and heredity: will our next child get eczema?. 14. Can we do anything to reduce the risk?: . Appendix 1: The National Eczema Society. Appendix 2: Some recommended books. Appendix 3: Some useful addresses. Index

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