
Sociologies of food and nutrition

Wm. Alex McIntosh

(Environment, development, and public policy, . Public policy and social services)(The language of science)

Plenum Press, c1996

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references (p. 255-288) and index



Here, Wm. Alex McIntosh analyzes the relationship between food and nutrition and social factors, using a wide array of sociological theories. The author applies theories of social organization, culture, social stratification, social change, rural sociology, the sociology of the body, and social problems to empirical problems in food and nutrition. By doing so, he sheds light on issues such as the rise of the state; population growth; famine; obesity; eating disorders; the maldistribution of food across class, gender, and ethnic boundaries; and the changing nature of the food industry.


Introduction. An Overview of Sociological Approaches to Food and Nutrition. Culture and Food. The Social Organization of Food Activities and Nutritional Status. Social Stratification: The Distribution of Food and Nutrition. The Body and Sociology. The Sociology of Famine. Food and Social Change. The State and Food and Nutrition. Food and Nutrition as Social Problems. The Sociology of Food and Nutrition: A Sociological Assessment. Index.

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