William James on the courage to believe


William James on the courage to believe

Robert J. O'Connell

(American philosophy series / Vincent M. Colapietro, editor ; Vincent G. Potter, founding editor, 8)

Fordham University Press, 1997

2nd ed

  • : hardcover

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographies and index



William James' celebrated lecture on "The Will to Believe" has kindled spirited controversy since the day it was delivered. In this lively reappraisal of that controversy, Father O'Connell contributes some fresh contentions: that James' argument should be viewed against his indebtedness to Pascal and Renouvier; that it works primarily to validate our "over-beliefs" ; and most surprising perhaps, that James envisages our "passional nature" as intervening, not after, but before and throughout, our intellectual weighing of the evidence for belief. William James on the Courage to Believe is available from the publisher on an open-access basis.

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