Dynamics in small confining systems III : symposium held December 2-5, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.


Dynamics in small confining systems III : symposium held December 2-5, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

editors, J.M. Drake, J. Klafter, R. Kopelman

(Materials Research Society symposium proceedings, v. 464)

Materials Research Society, c1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4




Interfacial science has rapidly expanded beyond the original realm of chemistry to include physics, mechanical and chemical engineering, biology, materials science, and other specialized subfields. This book in a series from MRS emphasizes the effects of confinement on the physical and chemical properties of equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems. Of particular interest is the question of how nearby surfaces or ultra-small geometries can force a system to behave in ways significantly different than it behaves in bulk. Theoretical, experimental and computational evidence of the effects of confinement on gaseous, liquid and solid systems is presented. Topics include: probing confined systems; structure and dynamics of liquids at interfaces; nanorheology and tribology; adsorption; diffusion in porous systems and reaction dynamics.

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