The politics of multiculturalism in the new Europe : racism, identity, and community


The politics of multiculturalism in the new Europe : racism, identity, and community

edited by Tariq Modood and Pnina Werbner

(Postcolonial encounters)

Zed Books, 1997

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 20



Includes bibliographical references and index

Zed books cultural studies



Europe has become a novel experiment in multiple, tiered and mediated multiculturalisms. It is now a supranational community of cultures, sub-cultures and trans-cultures inserted differentially into radically different political cultural traditions. The consequences of this re-imagining and re-making of a new Europe are variously seen to be threatening or utopian. In a post-Communist, post-national era, multiculturalism has been theorized as a paternalistic, top-down solution to the 'problem' of minorities, a dangerous reification of 'culture', or a new way forward to a politics of 'recognition' and 'authenticity'. But is multiculturalism simply a novel project of social engineering, devised for the twenty-first century by well-meaning liberals or communitarians? The authors of this book reject this view by demonstrating that multiculturalism is the political outcome of ongoing power struggles and collective negotiations of cultural, ethnic and racial differences.


Introduction - The Politics of Multiculturalism in the New Europe 1. Globalisation and the Discourse of Otherness in the "New" Eastern and Central Europe 2. The 'Invaders', 'Traitors' and the 'Resistance Movement' - The Extreme Right's Conceptualisation of Opponents and Self in Scandinavia 3. International Migration in Europe - Social Projects and Political Cultures 4. The Perils of Ethnic Associational Life in Europe - Turkish Migrants in Germany and France 5. Negotiating Religious Difference - The Opinions and Attitudes of Islamic Associations in France 6. Arenas of Ethnic Negotiation - Cooperation and Conflict in Bradford 7. Islam as a Civil Religion - Political Culture, Education and the Organisation of Diversity in Germany 8. Hyphenated Identities and the Limits of Culture 9. Defining Ethnicity - Another Way of Being British 10. Why 'Positive Action' is 'Politically correct 11. Society as a Kind of Community - Communitarian Voting with Equal Rights for Individuals in the European Union 12. Reflections on Multiculturalism in Britain 13. Afterword - Writing Multiculturalism and Politics in the New Europe.

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