Neutron irradiation of seeds : report of a Study-Group Meeting on Co-ordination of Research in the Use of Neutrons in Seed Irradiation, held in Vienna, 25-29 July 1966, and of a Working Group Meeting on Recommendations for a Neutron Seed Irradiation Programme, held in Vienna, 12-16 December 1966


Neutron irradiation of seeds : report of a Study-Group Meeting on Co-ordination of Research in the Use of Neutrons in Seed Irradiation, held in Vienna, 25-29 July 1966, and of a Working Group Meeting on Recommendations for a Neutron Seed Irradiation Programme, held in Vienna, 12-16 December 1966

(Technical reports series, no. 76)

International Atomic Energy Agency, 1967

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8




Includes bibliographies

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