Parameter sensitivity in nonlinear mechanics : theory and finite element computations


Parameter sensitivity in nonlinear mechanics : theory and finite element computations

Michał Kleiber, in collaboration with Horatio Antúnez, Tran Duong Hien, Piotr Kowalczyk

John Wiley, 1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Includes bibliographical references (p. [389]-399) and index



There are various methods for the analysis and design of bodies subject to static and dynamic loadings in structural and solid mechanics. Sensitivity analysis is concerned with the relationship between parameters, describing the structure under consideration and the function describing the response of that structure under loading conditions. This book addresses the finite element computational techniques typical of sensitivity analysis for solid mechanics systems with any nonlinearity. It is an attempt to combine theoretical modelling techniques with effective computer implementation: besides the theory many suitable finite element codes have been developed by the authors and used for computing examples discussed in the text.


PRELIMINARIES. Motivation: Sensitivity and Large-Scale Systems. Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: Continuous and Semi-Discretized Formulation. Concepts of Sensitivity Analysis for Linear Systems.THE SENSITIVITY OF NONLINEAR SYSTEMS. The Basic Concepts of Nonlinear Quasi-Static Problems at Regular States. Inelastic Systems. Shape Sensitivity. Buckling and Post-Buckling. Nonlinear Dynamics. Metal Forming Using the Flow Approach. Nonlinear Thermal Systems. Appendices. References. Index. Glossary of Symbols.

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