Stellar atmospheres : theory and observations : lectures held at the Astrophysics School IX, organized by the European Astrophysics Doctoral Network (EADN) in Brussels, Belgium, 10-19 September 1996


Stellar atmospheres : theory and observations : lectures held at the Astrophysics School IX, organized by the European Astrophysics Doctoral Network (EADN) in Brussels, Belgium, 10-19 September 1996

J.P. De Greve, R. Blomme, H. Hensberge, (eds.)

(Lecture notes in physics, 497)

Springer-Verlag, c1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Includes bibliographical references and index



The 1996 Summer School of the European Astrophysical Doctoral Network dealt with the atmospheres of stars, the various theories that describe their structure and the interactions with the interior of the stars as well as with the interstellar environment, and the observations that support, modify and sometimes contradict these theories. This volume aims to provide the reader with an insight into problems related to stellar atmospheres both for cool and for hot stars. Furthermore it offers opportunities to deal with modern technologies in analysing observational data versus theoretical modelling.


Stellar atmospheres theory: An introduction.- Stellar wind theories.- Cool star winds and mass loss: Theory.- Cool stars winds and mass loss: Observations.- The theory of line driven stellar winds.- Observations of hot-star winds.- Circumstellar disks.- Stellar coronae.- Atmospheres and interior models.

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