The book of Kells : its function and audience


The book of Kells : its function and audience

Carol Farr

(The British Library studies in medieval culture)

British Library , University of Toronto Press, 1997

  • : uk : cloth
  • : uk : pbk.
  • : can. : cloth
  • : can. : pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



Bibliography: p. 171-187. - Includes index



: uk : cloth ISBN 9780712304993


The fourth in this series of monographs on medieval culture, this work studies one of the world's most celebrated manuscripts. The Book of Kells is assessed here as a liturgical document, focusing on the possible meaning and function of its illustrations and decoration in the context of early western liturgies. The author analyzes the decorative articulation of its text, showing how the decoration makes connections with the graphic structuring of the text for reading, especially for public presentation of the liturgy, as found in other fifth to ninth-century gospel books. The book has been amply illustrated, and is addressed to students and art historians, and anyone interested in the making and meaning of illuminated manuscripts.

: uk : pbk. ISBN 9780712345767


The fourth in this series of monographs on medieval culture, this work studies one of the world's most celebrated manuscripts. The Book of Kells is assessed here as a liturgical document, focusing on the possible meaning and function of its illustrations and decoration in the context of early western liturgies. The author analyzes the decorative articulation of its text, showing how the decoration makes connections with the graphic structuring of the text for reading, especially for public presentation of the liturgy, as found in other fifth to ninth-century gospel books. The book has been amply illustrated, and is addressed to students and art historians, and anyone interested in the making and meaning of illuminated manuscripts.

: can. : cloth ISBN 9780802043375


Created between the seventh and ninth centuries AD, The Book of Kells is one of the great cultural icons of the medieval West. In the past, it has received a great deal of popular and scholarly attention, but only recently has its labyrinth of meaning and references begun to be explored. In "The Book of Kells: Its Function and Audience," Carol Ann Farr builds on the work of liturgists, palaeographers, historians, and art historians to go beyond basic analysis to place The Book of Kells in the wider context of use and audience. Farr situates The Book of Kells as part of an evangelical tradition that used the physical appearance of the gospels as a tool of conversion. By examining the manuscript in its political, social, historical, and religious contexts, she provides a fresh perspective on this most famous of insular illuminated texts. In particular, Farr offers new and convincing readings of two of the most difficult images, the 'Temptation' and so-called 'Arrest'.

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