The social psychologists : research adventures


    • Brannigan, Gary G.
    • Merrens, Matthew R.


The social psychologists : research adventures

edited by Gary G. Brannigan, Matthew R. Merrens

(McGraw-Hill series in social psychology)

McGraw-Hill, c1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references



This text is designed to provide readers with in-depth first person accounts of research in the area of social psychology. It covers a broad range of topics paralleling those found in most psychology textbooks. In addition, it shows how different researchers approach significant problems and develop strategies to deal with, understand and explore these areas (from design to methodology).


  • Getting (my)self into social psychology, Anthony G. Greewald
  • from the still small voice of the discontent to the Supreme Court - how I learned to stop worrying and love social cognition, Susan T. Fiske
  • self-monitoring - public appearances versus private realities, Mark Snyder
  • a full-cycle approach to social psychology, Robert B. Cialdini
  • the personal story of an interpersonal psychologist, Roy F. Baumeister
  • with a little help from my friends, John F. Dovidio
  • on the love of beauty and the beauty of love - two psychologists study attraction, Karen K. Dion and Kenneth L. Dion
  • self-esteem and passionate love relationships, Elaine Hatfield
  • a career on aggression, Leonard Berkowitz
  • getting hooked on research in social psychology - examples from eyewitness identification and prejudice, Patricia G. Devine
  • doing social psychology cross-culturally - into another heart of darkness, Michael H. Bond
  • health psychology research - the interpersonal challenges, M. Robin DiMatteo
  • have environment will travel - my life as an environmental psychologist, Paul B. Paulus
  • social psychology in court - the case of the prejudicial pre-trial publicity, Norbert L. Kerr
  • complex answers to a simple question - is integrative complexity "politically correct"?, Philip E. Tetlock.

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