Culture and democracy in the United States


Culture and democracy in the United States

Horace M. Kallen ; with a new introduction by Stephen J. Whitfield

(Studies in ethnicity)

Transaction Publishers, c1998

  • : paper

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Originally published: New York : Boni & Liveright, 1924

Includes bibliographical references



In his new introduction, Whitfield sets the scene of the early twentieth century to show what inspired Horace Kallen to write this book. He delves deeply into his background, discussing the influences on Kallen's life and work. Whitfield also examines the many changes that have occurred since Culture and Democracy in the United States was first written, and reveals that many of the ideas espoused by Kallen have become reality.


Introduction Postscript- Culture and the Ku Klux Klan I A Meaning of Americanism II Democracy versus the Melting-Pot III "Americanization " an d the Cultural Prospect IV The Newest Reaction V America and the Life of Reason VI Humanism and the Industrial Age

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