Agricultural privatisation, land reform and farm restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe


Agricultural privatisation, land reform and farm restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe

edited by Johan F.M. Swinnen, Allan Buckwell, Erik Mathijs

Ashgate, c1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Includes bibliographical references



This collection aims to present a comprehensive study on farm restructuring and its determinants in Central and Eastern Europe. The data collected should provide scholars and policy makers with the necessary information to understand the changes in Central and eastern European agriculture, and presents a comparative analysis of country studies across the regions.


  • Agricultural privatization, land reform and farm restructuring in Albania, Azeta Cungu and Johan F.M. Swinnen
  • Bulgaria - economics and politics of post-reform farm structures, Sophia Davidova et al
  • changes in farming structures in the Czech Republic as a result of land reform and privatization, Tomas Ratinger and Ewa Rabinowicz
  • decollectivization and privatization policies and resulting structural changes of agriculture in Eastern Germany, Volker Beckmann and Konrad Hagedorn
  • privatization and restructuring of Hungarian agriculture, Erik Mathijs and Sandor Meszaros
  • restructuring of farms and agricultural systems in Romania, Alexander H. Sarris and Dinu Gavrilescu
  • privatization and decollectivization policies and resulting structural changes of agriculture in Slovakia, Ladislav Kabat and Konrad Hagedorn
  • agricultural privatization and farm restructuring in Slovenia, Stefan Bojnec and Johan F.M. swinnen
  • experience with land reform and farm restructuring in the former Soviet Union, Zvi Lerman
  • agricultural privatization, land reform and farm restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe - a comparative analysis, Johan F.M. Swinnen and Erik Mathijs.

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