Other kinds of dreams : black women's organisations and the politics of transformation


    • Sudbury, Julia


Other kinds of dreams : black women's organisations and the politics of transformation

Julia Sudbury

(Gender, racism, ethnicity series)

Routledge, 1998

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references and index



'Other Kinds of Dreams' provides an invaluable insight into the political activity of black and Asian women in the UK both inside and outside the black and Asian communities. The book breaks new ground by: * destroying the misconception that black and Asian women lack political involvement * integrating gender into the study of black and Asian political participation in Britain * exploring the potential for alliances between black women and the new progressive 'black man's movement' * examining black women activists' perception and experiences of white feminism. 'Other Kinds of Dreams also questions the homogeneity of the term 'black' and asks whether increasing social stratification within black communities undermines this unity.


  • Chapter 1 Introduction
  • Chapter 2 Writing against the grain: towards a womanist methodology
  • Chapter 3 'We don't just make tea': redefining political activism
  • Chapter 4 Talking across difference
  • Chapter 5 Articulating 'race', class and gender
  • Chapter 6 Sisters and brothers in struggle? Looking for coalitions
  • Chapter 7 Conclusions: from identity politics to the politics of transformation

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