Study guide to the American Psychiatric Press Textbook of neuropsychiatry


Study guide to the American Psychiatric Press Textbook of neuropsychiatry

Jude Berman, Robert E.Hales, Stuart C.Yudofsky

American Psychiatric Press, c1997

3rd ed.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4




Written and edited by an international group of experts including 39 new authors, the third edition of the "American Psychiatric Press Textbook of Neuropsychiatry" is now compatible with DSM-IV and has been revised to provide psychiatrists, neurologists, neuropsychologists, internists, and residents with the latest developments in research, clinical practice, and diagnostic technology. This is a study guide to the textbook. With the addition of eight new chapters, increased emphasis has been placed on molecular and intracellular aspects of neuropsychiatry and the role of functional imaging in neuropsychiatric disorders.

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