Modelling and identification in robotics


    • Kozłowski, Krzysztof


Modelling and identification in robotics

Krzysztof Kozlowski

(Advances in industrial control)

Springer, c1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 27



Includes bibliographical references (p. [249]-261) and index



As the use and relevance of robotics for countless scientific purposes grows all the time, research into the many diverse elements of the subject becomes ever more important and in demand. This volume examines in depth the most topical, complex issues of modelling and identification in robotics. The book is divided into three main parts. The !first part is devoted to robot dynamics modelling and identification of robot and load parameters, incorporating friction torques, discussing identification schemes, and presenting simulations and experiment al results of robot and load dynamic parameters identification. A general concept of robot programming language for research and educational purposes is examined and there is a detailed outline of its basic structures along with hardware requirements, which both constitute an open robot controller architecture. Finally a hybrid controller is derived, and several experimental results of this system are outlined. This impressive discussion of the topic covers both the theoretical and practical, illustrated throughout by examples and experimental results, and will be of value to anyone researching or practising within the field of robotics, automation and system i dentification or to control engineers.


1. Introduction.- 2. Robot hardware and programming software description.- 2.1 Introduction.- 2.2 General hardware description.- 2.3 General software considerations.- 2.3.1 Description of objects.- 2.3.2 Joint space trajectories.- 2.3.3 Implementation of the bus access interface in trajectory planning for the IRp-6 robot.- 2.3.4 Description of the programme executing the polyno mial trajectories.- 2.3.5 Trajectory planning in Cartesian space for the IRp-6 robot.- 2.3.6 An example of palletising.- 2.3.7 Virtual programming panel.- 2.4 Hardware description of an experimental set-up consisting of a one link geared robot.- 2.5 Further comments on the robot programming system.- 3. Robot dynamic models.- 3.1 Introduction.- 3.2 Derivation of the differential model.- 3.3 Derivation of the integral model.- 3.4 Comparison of the differential and integral models.- 3.5 Canonical models.- 3.6 Further comments on robot dynamics modelling for identification of their parameters.- 3.7 Examples of robot dynamics models for experimental identi-fication.- 3.7.1 The EDDA dynamic model.- 3.7.2 The IRp-6 dynamic model.- 4. Identification of robot model parameters.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 Least squares technique for the differential model.- 4.3 Identification scheme for the integral model.- 4.4 Further comments on identification techniques used for estimation of robot dynamic parameters.- 4.5 Simulation results.- 5. Experimental identification of robot dynamic parameters.- 5.1 Introduction.- 5.2 Optimal trajectories for robot dynamics identification.- 5.2.1 Introduction: different optimisation techniques.- 5.2.2 Optimisation procedures.- 5.2.3 Exciting trajectories for the differential and integral models of the IRp-6 robot.- 5.3 Friction characteristics measurements for the integral model.- 5.3.1 Introduction.- 5.3.2 Tustin model.- 5.3.3 Experimental friction characteristics measurements for the IRp-6 robot.- 5.4 Experimental identification results for the IRp-6 robot.- 5.5 Experimental identification results for a one link geared robot.- 5.6 Experimental identification results for the EDDA robot.- 5.7 Further comments on the experimental identification of robot dynamics.- 6. Load dynamics identification.- 6.1 Introduction.- 6.2 Mathematical description of load dynamic models.- 6.3 Exciting trajectories for load identification.- 6.4 Static load parameters measurements.- 6.5 Dynamic load parameters measurements.- 7. Hybrid control of the IRp-6 robot.- 7.1 Introduction.- 7.2 Different control algorithms for robots with position controllers.- 7.2.1 A hybrid controller for the PUMA 560 robot.- 7.2.2 A hybrid controller for the IRp-6 robot.- 7.3 Local and global stiffness measurement of the IRp-6 robot.- 7.3.1 A method description.- 7.3.2 Local and global stiffness calculations.- 7.4 Experimental results.- 8. Concluding remarks.- References.

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