The Oscar Wilde encyclopedia


The Oscar Wilde encyclopedia

by Karl Beckson ; with a foreword by Merlin Holland

AMS Press, c1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 53



AMS studies in the nineteenth century : no. 18 -- CIP

Includes bibliographical references and index



This is a comprehensive reference work on Oscar Wilde's life and work. The encyclopaedia includes entries covering every work by Wilde, published and unpublished, with bibliographical details and reference sections listing critical studies for futher reading. The author has cited the locations of Wilde's manuscripts with brief descriptions and various works attributed to Wilde, such as "Teleny; or the Reverse of the Medal" and "For Love of the King" are also discussed, with evaluations of such attributions. In addition, significant events in Wilde's life, such as his American, Canadian, and British lecture tours, his three trials and his prison years, receive extended treatment, as do such literary and cultural entries as paradox, dandyism, Aestheticism, decadence, the green carnation, the well-made play, the Religion of Art, satires and parodies of Wilde and his works, Freemasonry and the Uranians. Also the bibliographical entries, tracing Wilde's relationships with the many artists and writers of the time as well as family members, bring together information. Finally a comprehensive index provides readers with immediate access to the books contents.

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