The nonprofit sector in the developing world : a comparative analysis


The nonprofit sector in the developing world : a comparative analysis

Helmut K. Anheier and Lester M. Salamon

(Johns Hopkins nonprofit sector series, 5)

Manchester University Press , Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press, 1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 35



Includes bibliographical references and index



Anti-racist scholar-activism raises urgent questions about the role of contemporary universities and the academics that work within them. As profound socio-racial crises collide with mass anti-racist mobilisations, this book focuses on the praxes of academics working within, and against, their institutions in pursuit of anti-racist social justice. Amidst a searing critique of the university's neoliberal and imperial character, Joseph-Salisbury and Connelly situate the university as a contested space, full of contradictions and tensions. Drawing upon original empirical data, the book considers how anti-racist scholar-activists navigate barriers and backlash in order to leverage the opportunities and resources of the university in service to communities of resistance. Showing praxes of anti-racist scholar-activism to be complex, diverse, and multi-faceted, and paying particular attention to how scholar-activists grapple with their own complicities in the harms perpetrated and perpetuated by Higher Education institutions, this book is a call to arms for academics who are, or want to be, committed to social justice. -- .


  • The nonprofit sector in the developing world
  • the nonprofit sector in Brazil
  • the nonprofit sector in Egypt
  • the nonprofit sector in Ghana
  • the nonprofit sector in India
  • the nonprofit sector in Thailand
  • towards an understanding of the nonprofit sector in the developing world.

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