Economics explained : everything you need to know about how the economy works and where it's going


Economics explained : everything you need to know about how the economy works and where it's going

Robert Heilbroner and Lester Thurow

(A Touchstone book)

Simon & Schuster, c1998

Newly rev. and updated

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 24



Originally published: Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1982

Includes index



Containing about 30 percent new material, this edition of ECONOMICS EXPLAINED offers readers not only an invaluable primer on economic theory, but a clear understanding of the causes and treatments of the problems confronting us today, as well as the possible risks and the potential rewards we face in the future. Previous Edition ISBN: 0671884220


Introduction I The Economic Background One Capitalism: Where Do We Come From? Two Three Great Economists Three A Bird's-Eye View of the Economy Four The Trend of Things II Macroeconomics -- The Analysis of Prosperity and Recession Five The GDP Six Saving and Investing Seven Passive Consumption, Active Investment Eight The Economics of the Public Sector Nine The Debate About Government Ten What Money Is Eleven How Money Works III Microeconomics -- The Anatomy of the Market System Twelve How Markets Work Thirteen Where Markets Fail Fourteen The Two Worlds of Business IV Problems Fifteen The Specter of Inflation Sixteen The Inequality Problem Seventeen Globalization Eighteen National Policy in a Globalized World Nineteen The Unfinished Revolution Index

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