Advances in turbulence VII : proceedings of the seventh European Turbulence Conference, held in Saint-Jean Cap Ferrat, France, 30 June-3 July, 1998 Actes de la Septième Conférence Européenne de Turbulence, tenue à Saint-Jean Cap Ferrat, France, 30 juin-3 juillet 1998


Advances in turbulence VII : proceedings of the seventh European Turbulence Conference, held in Saint-Jean Cap Ferrat, France, 30 June-3 July, 1998 = Actes de la Septième Conférence Européenne de Turbulence, tenue à Saint-Jean Cap Ferrat, France, 30 juin-3 juillet 1998

edited by/edités par Uriel Frisch

(Fluid mechanics and its applications, v. 46)

Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1998


Advances in turbulence 7

Advances in turbulence seven

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Includes bibliographical references and index



This volume contains an overview of the state of turbulence research with some bias towards work done in Europe. It represents an almost complete collection of the invited and contributed papers delivered at the Seventh European Turbulence Conference, sponsored by EUROMECH and ERCOFTAC and organized by the Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur. High-Reynolds number experiments combined with techniques of imaging, non-intrusive probing, processing and simulation provide high-quality data which put significant constraints on possible theories. For the first time, it has been shown, for a class of passive scalar problems, why dimensional analysis sometimes gives the wrong answers and how anomalous intermittency corrections can be calculated from first principles. The volume is thus geared towards specialists in the area of flow turbulence who could not attend the conference as well as anybody interested in this rapidly-moving field.


I. Experiments and Experimental Techniques/Experiences et techniques experimentales. II. Transition and Dynamical Systems/Transition et systemes dynamiques. III. Numerical Simulation/Simulation numerique. IV. High Reynolds Numbers and Intermittency/Grands nombres de Reynolds et intermittence. V. Industrial Applications and Modelling/Applications industrielles et modelisation. VI. Vortex Dynamics/Dynamique du tourbillon. VII. Astro/Geophysical Flow and Convection/Ecoulements astro/geophysiques et convection. VIII. Transport of Passive Scalars/Transport de scalaires passifs.

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