Appearance versus reality : new essays on Bradley's metaphysics


Appearance versus reality : new essays on Bradley's metaphysics

edited by Guy Stock

(Mind Association occasional series)

Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press, 1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



"This collection of papers derives from a conference held at Merton College, Oxford, 2-5 April 1993, to mark the centenary of the publication of Bradley's Appearance and reality"--Pref

Includes bibliographical references



Appearance versus Reality is a collection of new studies of the work of F. H. Bradley, a leading British philosopher of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, and one of the key figures in the emergence of Anglo-American analytic philosophy. In recent years there has been a widespread revaluation of Bradley's philosophy: it has been found to offer alternative approaches to those inherited from Frege, Descartes, the British Empiricists, and Quinean naturalism, which have dominated analytic philosophy for some time. The nine well-known contributors to this volume, from Britain, North America, and Australia, focus on Bradley's views on truth, meaning, knowledge, and reality. These essays show that his work not only was crucial to the development of twentieth-century philosophy, but can illuminate contemporary debates in metaphysics, logic, and epistemology.


  • 1. Introduction: The Realistic Spirit in Bradley's Philosophy
  • 2. The What and the That: Theories of Singular Thought in Bradley, Russell, and the Early Wittgenstein
  • 3. Thought's Happy Suicide
  • 4. Bradley's Theory of Truth
  • 5. The Wrong Side of History: Relations, the Decline of British Idealism, and the Origins of Analytic Philosophy
  • 6. Did Russell's Criticisms of Bradley's Theory of Relations Miss their Mark?
  • 7. Bradley and Floating Ideas
  • 8. The Multiple Contents of Immediacy
  • 9. Bradley's Doctrine of the Absolute
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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