Student's solutions manual for physical chemistry


Student's solutions manual for physical chemistry

P. W. Atkins ... [et al.]

Oxford University Press, 1998

6th ed

  • : pbk
  • 学生版(英語版)



Student's solutions manual for "Physical chemistry"


大学図書館所蔵 件 / 142



学生版(英語版)の発売: 東京化学同人

Japanese title from spreaded colophon

This solutions manual provides the authors' detailed solutions to exercises and problems in the 6th edition of "Physical chemistry" -- back cover



学生版(英語版) ISBN 9784807905454


  • 1 Equilibrium(The properties of gases;The First Law(the concepts;the machinery);The Second Law(the concepts;the machinery) ほか)
  • 2 Structure(Quantum theory(introduction and principles;techniques and applications);Atomic structure and atomic spectra;Molecular structure ほか)
  •  3 Change(Molecules in motion;The rates of chemical reactions;The kinetics of complex reactions ほか)

「BOOKデータベース」 より



: pbk ISBN 9780198503194


This solutions manual provides the authors' detailed solutions to exercises and problems in the sixth edition of Physical Chemistry by P.W. Atkins. The manual is intended for students and instructors alike. This book is intended for students using the parent text.


Part 1: Equilibrium. 1: The properties of gases. 2: The First Law: the concepts. 3: The First Law: the machinery. 4: The Second Law: the concepts. 5: The Second Law: the machinery. 6: Physical transformations of pure substances. 7: Simple mixtures. 8: Phase diagrams. 9: Chemical equilibrium. 10: Equilibrium electrochemistry. Part 2: Structure. 11: Quantum theory: introduction and principles. 12: Quantum theory: techniques and applications. 13: Atomic structure and atomic spectra. 14: Molecular structure. 15: Molecular symmetry. 16: Spectroscopy 1: rotational and vibrational spectra. 17: Spectroscopy 2: electronic transitions. 18: Spectroscopy 3: magnetic resonance. 19: Statistical thermodynamics: the concepts. 20: Statistical thermodynamics: the machinery. 21: Diffraction techniques. 22: The electric and magnetic properties of molecules. 23: Macromolecules and colloids. Part 3: Change. 24: Molecules in motion. 25: The rates of chemical reactions. 26: The kinetics of complex reactions. 27: Molecular reaction dynamics. 28: Processes at solid surfaces. 29: Dynamic electrochemistry

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