Exploring the modern : patterns of western culture and civilization


Exploring the modern : patterns of western culture and civilization

John Jervis

Blackwell Publishers, 1998

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 25



Includes bibliographical references (p. [347]-348) and index



This book provides the first comprehensive account of the social and cultural aspects of modernity over the past two centuries.


Acknowledgements. Introduction. Part I: The Modern Self. 1. The Theatrical Self: social drama and personal identity. 2. Subjects and Citizens: the politics of everyday life. 3. Street People: the city as experience, dream and nightmare. 4. The Consolations of Consumerism. 5.'We Are Born Naked - Everything Else is Drag': clothing the body, fashioning the self. 6. The Seduction of Romance: fictions of love, narratives of selfhood. Part II: The Modern Age. 7. Sacred, Secular, Sublime: modernity performs the death of God. 8. Machines and Skyscrapers: technology as experience, hope and fear. 9. From Enlightenment to Holocaust: modernity and the end of morality. 10. Modernism, Art and Culture. 11. The Image, the Spectral, and the Spectacle: technologies of the visual. 12. Postmodern Times?. Key Terms. Biographical Notes. Guide to Further Reading.

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