Economic citizenship in the European Union : employment relations in the new Europe


Economic citizenship in the European Union : employment relations in the new Europe

Paul Teague

(Routledge research in European public policy, 8)

Routledge, 1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 23



Includes bibliographical references (p. [211]-221) and index



Paul Teague explores the macro-economic, productive and institutional pressures faced by Europe's social model and assesses a number of economic and political programmes aimed at resolving the crisis. It also considers the role of the European Union building a social dimension to the European economy. The findings suggest that the future of traditional institutions of Social Europe is under threat. However, they also stress that we are not on the threshold of the 'Americanisation' of European life. This study finds that the influential political forces that reject the dismantling of Europe's social model should not be preoccupied with defending inherited institutions. Instead this book argues that they should encourage the construction of new forms of social solidarity compatible with the complexities of modern economic life.


1. Convergence, Citizenship and European Employment Relations 2. Institutions and Labour Market Performance in Europe 3. Lean Production and the German Model 4. Europe of the Regions and the Future of National Systems of Industrial Relations 5. New Keynesianism and Active Labour Market Policies in Europe 6. EU Social Policy: Between Constitutionalism and Neo-Voluntarism 7. Monetary Union and Social Europe 8. Remaking Economic Citizenship in Europe

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