Translation and empire : postcolonial theories explained


Translation and empire : postcolonial theories explained

Douglas Robinson

(Translation theories explained, 4)

St. Jerome, 1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Bibliography: p. 126-131



Arising from cultural anthropology in the late 1980s and early 1990s, postcolonial translation theory is based on the observation that translation has often served as an important channel of empire. Douglas Robinson begins with a general presentation of postcolonial theory, examines current theories of the power differentials that control what gets translated and how, and traces the historical development of postcolonial thought about translation. He also explores the negative and positive impact of translation in the postcolonial context, reviewing various critiques of postcolonial translation theory and providing a glossary of key words. The result is a clear and useful guide to some of the most complex and critical issues in contemporary translation studies.


1. Postcolonial Studies, Translation Studies Translation and empire What does postcolonial mean? The rise of postcolonial theory Hegemony, subjectification and interpellation Language, place and self Beyond nationalism: migrant and border cultures 2. Power Differentials Translating across power differentials Disproportionate translations 'Inscrutable' texts Stereotypes Writing for translation Theorizing across power differentials 3. Translation as Empire: The Theoretical Record Emperors and displaced populations The sublimation of empire: Cicero and Horace Translatio Imperii et Studii Taking the original captive Translation and empire 4. Translation and the Impact of Colonialism Eric Cheyfitz and the colonization of the New World Repression and hierarch Projection Eloquence and dialogue Property Centre and periphery Niranjana and the British interpellation of India Rafael and the Spanish conversion of the Tagalogs The hierarch of languages Confession 5. Resistance, Redirection, and Retranslation Tejaswini Niranjana and retranslation Vicente Rafael and mistranslation Samia Mehrez and metisses 6. Criticisms

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