Selected areas in cryptography : 5th annual International Workshop, SAC '98, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August 17-18, 1998 : proceedings



Selected areas in cryptography : 5th annual International Workshop, SAC '98, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August 17-18, 1998 : proceedings

Stafford Tavares, Henk Meijer (eds.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 1556)

Springer, c1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 43



Includes index



AC'98 A C - . AC'94 AC'96 ' ! K AC'95 AC'97 C ! O . & . I - * . & * AC'98 : * D A ** K C * * E? I* * C * * C I * /M N O 39 * AC'98,26 - * .& ! , A M K A * E B * I O ! J :C J -3


Design of Secret Key Cryptosystems.- Feistel Ciphers with L 2-Decorrelation.- Key-Dependent S-Box Manipulations.- On the Twofish Key Schedule.- Towards Provable Security of Substitution-Permutation Encryption Networks.- Randomness and Computational Issues.- An Accurate Evaluation of Maurer's Universal Test.- Computational Alternatives to Random Number Generators.- Storage-Efficient Finite Field Basis Conversion.- Verifiable Partial Sharing of Integer Factors.- Analysis of Secret Key Cryptosystems.- Higher Order Differential Attack Using Chosen Higher Order Differences.- On Maximum Non-averaged Differential Probability.- Cryptanalysis of RC4-like Ciphers.- Cryptographic Systems.- Key Preassigned Traceability Schemes for Broadcast Encryption.- Mix-Based Electronic Payments.- Over the Air Service Provisioning.- Public Key Cryptosystems.- Faster Attacks on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems.- Improved Algorithms for Elliptic Curve Arithmetic in GF(2n).- Cryptanalysis of a Fast Public Key Cryptosystem Presented at SAC '97.- A Lattice- Based Public-Key Cryptosystem.- Design and Implementation of Secret Key Cryptosystems.- Fast DES Implementations for FPGAs and Its Application to a Universal Key-Search Machine.- IDEA: A Cipher for Multimedia Architectures?.- A Strategy for Constructing Fast Round Functions with Practical Security Against Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis.- The Nonhomomorphicity of Boolean Functions.- Attacks on Secret Key Cryptosystems.- Cryptanalysis of ORYX.- A Timing Attack on RC5.- Cryptanalysis of SPEED.- Invited Talks.- Authenticated Diffe-Hellman Key Agreement Protocols.- Initial Observations on Skipjack: Cryptanalysis of Skipjack-3XOR.

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