Pedagogy and the shaping of consciousness : linguistic and social processes


Pedagogy and the shaping of consciousness : linguistic and social processes

edited by Frances Christie

(Open linguistics series)

Cassell, 1999

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 17



Includes bibliographies and index

Reprinted in paperback in 2000, by Continuum



Basil Berstein began to develop his theory of social structure and power relations during the 1950s and 1960s. Early in the 1960s he met M.A.K. Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan, who were developing the first formulations of what would become known as systemic functional (SF) linguistic theory. A far-reaching dialogue began. Berstein recognized the significant role that language plays in the construction of social experience and social inequality. Halliday and Hasan were actively seeking a theory of language that would explain the nature of te social. In different ways, they acknowledged the powerful role of language in the social construction on experience. Their resulting enquiries brought both theories and scholars into dialogue. Contributors to this volume (including Hasan and Bernstein) continue this dialogue in a range of papers that draw both on SF linguistic theory (with special reference to genre) and Bernstein's sociological theory, particulary with reference to his later work on pedagogic device and pedagogic discourse. Several authors describe the influence of these theories on classroom practice, including Engligh and mathematics, and literacy teaching in indigenous schools.Pedagogy and the Shaping of Conciousness is an important contribution to the explication of the two theories, the dialogie which they continue to provoke and their contribution to the provision of more equal access to education. Frances Christie is Professor of Language and Literacy Education and the University of Melbourne.


  • Society, language and the mind - the meta-dialogism of Basil Bernstein's theory, Ruqaiya Hasan
  • context for learning, Carmel Cloran
  • preparing for school - developing a semantic style for educational knowledge, Clare Painter
  • the pedagogic device and the production of pedagogic discourse - a case example in early literacy education, Geoff Williams
  • mentoring semogenesis - "genre-based" literacy pedagogy, J.R. Martin
  • the pedagogic device and the teaching of English, Frances Christie
  • language, knowledge and authority in school mathematics, Robert Veel
  • culture, competence and schooling -approaches to literacy teaching in indigenous school education, David Rose
  • official knowledge and pedagogic identities, Basil Bernstein
  • pedagogic identities and educational reform in the 1990s - the cultural dynamic of national curricula, William Tyler.

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