The Jacobean union : a reconsideration of Brtish civil policies under the early Stuarts


The Jacobean union : a reconsideration of Brtish civil policies under the early Stuarts

Andrew D. Nicholls

(Contributions to the study of world history, no. 64)

Greenwood Press, 1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references (p. [191]-206) and index



In arguing that the early Stuarts maintained a consistent yet uncomplicated policy of encouraging cooperation among their subjects, this work offers a new perspective on the role of multiple monarchy in the early modern British kingdoms. It has been generally accepted that James VI (James I of Britain) abandoned most efforts aimed at British unity following the failed Anglo-Scottish union negotiations of 1604-1607. This study asserts that James' desire for British unity and inter-kingdom cooperation should not be assessed within the context of that aborted political effort but, instead, should be analyzed as a long-term project. Union designs predated his ascension to the English throne by some twenty years and continued up to his death in 1625. James was mindful of the possibilities for cooperation which were inherent in inter-kingdom defense policies, trade practices, colonial projects, and foreign policy. Many of the assumptions that caused James to project encompassing policies were continued by Charles I, an unstudied element of British continuity between the two reigns. Ultimately, failure to emphasize the need for British unity in relation to a variety of civil policies would be an important factor in the fall of the Stuart monarchy during the British civil wars of the 1640s.


Introduction James Stuart and the Origins of a British Vision Kings, Courtiers, and Councillors: The Making of British Policy The Early Stuarts and the Security of the Multiple Kingdom Britain and Early Stuart Foreign Policy The Early Stuarts and British Economic, Commercial, and Colonial Affairs Epilogue and Conclusion Bibliography Index

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