Community design : a team approach to dynamic community systems


    • Mehrhoff, W. Arthur


Community design : a team approach to dynamic community systems

W. Arthur Mehrhoff

(Cities & planning series, v. 4)

Sage Publications, c1999

  • : cloth : acid-free paper
  • : pbk. : acid-free paper

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 18



Includes bibliographical references (p. 125-132) and index



Arthur Mehrhoff's Community Design represents a unique way of analyzing a community and the steps needed to help design a sustainable community. In this important contribution, Mehrhoff, through his work with the Minnesota Design Team, seeks to "help communities take control of shaping a sustainable future of their own by means of information, insight, and civic dialogue." He urges readers to rethink the shape and shaping of their communities by looking at "community" in a more holistic and multidisciplinary manner. Mehrhoff tackles such topics as defining community, understanding the history of a community, understanding the issues and problems affecting a community, examining the visual aspects of a community, and obtaining citizen opinion throughout the process of becoming a sustainable community. Small communities everywhere can replicate the process discussed in this book. Community Design is well written and thought-provoking and provides a nice blend of theory and practice. This book should be useful to all students, academics, local policy makers, and citizens who are interested in creating a common sustainable vision for their communities.


PART ONE: THE NEED FOR COMMUNITY DESIGN The Third Wave A Changing American Landscape Commmunity A Wave or a Particle? Is There a Place for Places in the Community? PART TWO: METHODS OF COMMUNITY DESIGN Action Research The Foundation of Community Design Community in the Third Dimension Gauging Community Opinion You've Gotta Have Connections Community Design as a Healing Process

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