A tight, practical integration of relations and functions


A tight, practical integration of relations and functions

Harold Boley

(Lecture notes in computer science, 1712 . Lecture notes in artificial intelligence)

Springer, c1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 29



Bibliography: p. [161]-169



As in other fields, in computer science certain objects of study can be synthesized from different basic elements, in different ways, and with different resulting stabilities. In subfields such as artificial intelligence, computational logic, and programming languages various relational and functional ingredients and techniques have been tried for the synthesis of declarative programs. This text considers the notions of relations, as found in logic programming or in relational databases, and of functions, as found in functional programming or in equational languages. We study a declarative integration which is tight, because it takes place right at the level of these notions, and which is still practical, because it preserves the advantages of the widely used relational and functional languages PROLOG and LISP. The resulting relational and functional language, RELFUN, is used here for exemplifying all integration principles.


An overview of the relational-functional language RELFUN.- Extended logic-plus-functional programming.- A direct semantic characterization of RELFUN.- Finite domains and exclusions as first-class citizens.- Multiple-valued Horn clauses and their WAM compilation.

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