The rise and rule of Tamerlane


The rise and rule of Tamerlane

Beatrice Forbes Manz

(Cambridge studies in Islamic civilization)

Cambridge University Press, 1999

Canto ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes bibliographical references (p. 209-216) and index



The great nomad conqueror Tamerlane rose to power in 1370 in the ruins of the Mongol Empire and led his armies of conquest from Russia to India, from Turkestan to Anatolia. In this, the first full study of an extraordinary person, Beatrice Forbes Manz examines Tamerlane as the founder of a nomad conquest dynasty and as a supremely talented individual, raising many current questions about the mechanisms of state formation, the dynamics of tribal politics, and the relations of tribes to central leadership.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The Ulus Chaghatay in the mid fourteenth century
  • 3. Temur's rise to power: the politics of the Ulus Chaghatay
  • 4. Temur's army of conquest: the Ulus Chaghatay
  • 5. Temur's army of conquest: outsiders and conquered peoples
  • 6. Structure and function in Temur's administration
  • 7. The struggle for succession
  • 8. Conclusion
  • Appendix A. The powers of the Ulus Chaghatay
  • Appendix B. Members of Temur's family
  • Appendix C. The formal administrative structure
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index.

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