Transition, turbulence and combustion modelling : lecture notes from the 2nd ERCOFTAC summerschool held in Stockholm, 10-16 June, 1998


Transition, turbulence and combustion modelling : lecture notes from the 2nd ERCOFTAC summerschool held in Stockholm, 10-16 June, 1998

edited by A. Hanifi ... [et al.]

(ERCOFTAC series, v. 6)

Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22




This single-volume work gives an introduction to the fields of transition, turbulence, and combustion modeling of compressible flows and provides the physical background for today's modeling approaches in these fields. It presents basic equations and discusses fundamental aspects of hydrodynamical instability.


Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Stability of Boundary Layer Flows. 3. Transition Prediction in Industrial Applications. 4. An Introduction to Turbulence Modelling. 5. Modelling of Turbulence in Compressible Flows. 6. Large-Eddy Simulations of Incompressible and Compressible Turbulence. 7. Direct Numerical Simulations of Compressible Turbulent Flows: Fundamentals and Applications. 8. Turbulent Combustion Modelling.

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