Algorithms and computation : 10th International Symposium, ISAAC '99, Chennai, India, December 16-18, 1999 : proceedings


Algorithms and computation : 10th International Symposium, ISAAC '99, Chennai, India, December 16-18, 1999 : proceedings

Alok Aggarwal, C. Pandu Rangan (eds.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 1741)

Springer, c1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 48



Includes bibliographical references and index



th This volume contains the proceedings of the 10 ISAAC conference (Tenth - nual International Symposium on Algorithms And Computation) held in Ch- nai, India. This year's conference attracted 71 submissions from as many as 17 di erent countries. Each submission was reviewed by at least three independent referees. After a week-long e-mail discussion, the program committee agreed to include 40 papers in the conference program. The high acceptance rate is clearly an indication of the quality of the papers received. We thank the program c- mittee members and the reviewers for their sincere e orts. We were fortunate to have three invited speakers this year, providing for a very attractive program: Kurt Mehlhorn (MPI, Saarbruck .. en, Germany), Eva T- dos (Cornell University, U.S.A.), and Kokichi Sugihara (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan). Moreover, the conference was preceded by a tutorial on a cutting-edge area, Web Algorithmics by Monika Henzinger (Compaq Systems Research Center, Palo Alto, U.S.A.) as a joint event with FST&TCS 99 (Foundations of Software Te- nology and Theoretical Computer Science, December 13-15, 1999, Chennai).Asa post conference event, a two-day workshop on Approximate Algorithms by R. Ravi (CMU, U.S.A.) and Naveen Garg (IIT, Delhi) was organized. We thank all the in- ted speakers and special event speakers for agreeing to participate in ISAAC'99.


Invited Talk.- The Engineering of Some Bipartite Matching Programs.- Session 1(a) - Data Structure I.- General Splay: A Basic Theory and Calculus.- Static Dictionaries Supporting Rank.- Session 1(b) - Parallel & Distributed Computing I.- Multiple Spin-Block Decisions.- Asynchronous Random Polling Dynamic Load Balancing.- Session 2(a) - Approximate Algorithm I.- Simple Approximation Algorithms for MAXNAESP and Hypergraph 2-colarability.- Hardness of Approximating Independent Domination in Circle Graphs.- Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithms for Domination Problems on Circle Graphs.- Session 2(b) - Computational Intelligence.- Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams as Knowledge-Bases.- Hard Tasks for Weak Robots: The Role of Common Knowledge in Pattern Formation by Autonomous Mobile Robots.- Session 3(a) - Online Algorithm.- On-Line Load Balancing of Temporary Tasks Revisited.- Online Routing in Triangulations.- Session 3(b) - Complexity Theory I.- The Query Complexity of Program Checking by Constant-Depth Circuits.- Tree-Like Resolution Is Superpolynomially Slower Than DAG-Like Resolution for the Pigeonhole Principle.- Session 4(a) - Approximate Algorithm II.- Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Multi-label Map Labeling.- Approximation Algorithms in Batch Processing.- Session 4(b) - Graph Algorithm I.- LexBFS-Ordering in Asteroidal Triple-Free Graphs.- Parallel Algorithms for Shortest Paths and Related Problems on Trapezoid Graphs.- Invited Talk.- Approximation Algorithms for Some Clustering and Classification Problems.- Session 5(a) - Computational Geometry I.- How Many People Can Hide in a Terrain?.- Carrying Umbrellas: An Online Relocation Problem on Graphs.- Session 5(b) - Parallel & Distributed Computing II.- Survivable Networks with Bounded Delay: The Edge Failure Case.- Energy-Efficient Initialization Protocols for Ad-hoc Radio Networks.- Session 6(a) - Data Structure II.- Constructing the Suffix Tree of a Tree with a Large Alphabet.- An O(1) Time Algorithm for Generating Multiset Permutations.- Session 6(b) - Complexity Theory II.- Upper Bounds for MaxSat: Further Improved.- A Linear Time Algorithm for Recognizing Regular Boolean Functions.- Session 7(a) - Computational Geometry II.- Station Layouts in the Presence of Location Constraints.- Reverse Center Location Problem.- Session 7(b) - Algorithms in Practice.- Performance Comparison of Linear Sieve and Cubic Sieve Algorithms for Discrete Logarithms over Prime Fields.- External Memory Algorithms for Outerplanar Graphs.- Session 8(a) - Approximate Algorithm III.- A New Approximation Algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem on a Tree.- Approximation Algorithms for Channel Assignment with Constraints.- Session 8(b) - Graph Algorithm II.- Algorithms for Finding Noncrossing Steiner Forests in Plane Graphs.- A Linear Algorithm for Finding Total Colorings of Partial k-Trees.- Invited Talk.- Topology-Oriented Approach to Robust Geometric Computation.- Session 9(a) - Approximate Algorithm IV.- Approximating Multicast Congestion.- Approximating the Minimum k-way Cut in a Graph via Minimum 3-way Cuts.- Session 9(b) - Parallel & Distributed Computing III.- Online Scheduling of Parallel Communications with Individual Deadlines.- A Faster Algorithm for Finding Disjoint Paths in Grids.- Session 10(a) - Computational Geometry III.- Output-Sensitive Algorithms for Uniform Partitions of Points.- Convexifying Monotone Polygons.- Session 10(b) - Graph Algorithm III.- Bisecting Two Subsets in 3-Connected Graphs.- Generalized Maximum Independent Sets for Trees in Subquadratic Time.

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