Mind, language and society : philosophy in the real world


Mind, language and society : philosophy in the real world

John R. Searle


Basic Books, 1999, c1998

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 49



Originally published 1998

Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 163-166)

Bibliography: p. 167-169

Includes indexes



Disillusionment with psychology is leading more and more people to formal philosophy for clues about how to think about life. But most of us who try to grapple with concepts such as reality, truth, common sense, consciousness, and society lack the rigorous training to discuss them with any confidence. John Searle brings these notions down from their abstract heights to the terra firma of real-world understanding, so that those with no knowledge of philosophy can understand how these principles play out in our everyday lives. The author stresses that there is a real world out there to deal with, and condemns the belief that the reality of our world is dependent on our perception of it.


* Introduction * Basic Metaphysics: Reality and Truth * How We Fit into the Universe: The Mind as a Biological Phenomenon * The Essence of the Mind: Consciousness and Its Structure * How the Mind Works: Intentionality * The Structure of the Social Universe: How the Mind Creates an Objective Social Reality * How Language Works: Speech as a Kind of Human Action

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