The law of religious identity : models for post-Communism


The law of religious identity : models for post-Communism

edited by András Sajó and Shlomo Avineri ; editorial support by Lorri Rutt Bentch

Kluwer Law International, c1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Rev. version of papers presented at the Fourth "The Individual v. the State" Conference, held in Budapest, Hungary, 1996

Includes bibliographical references



The study of democratization and constitutional development in post-communist societies raises issues which go beyond specific institutional arrangements initiated in post-communist societies to probe some of the fundamental themes in religion and politics. This text comprises conference-generated papers spanning a wide area of discourse, from theoretical treatises about the role of religion in the public sphere to monographical studies of specific problems of church and state relations in Central and Eastern Europe. The essays in this volume address the need to clarify the assumptions and consequences of the once unassailable belief in traditional liberal political thought, the notion of "state neutrality". Three key issues form a thread through the work: the relationship of religion to the public space; the meaning of religion in the construction of a modern, liberal concept of citizenship; and the intertwining of religion and nationalism. These themes are treated via a variety of diverse approaches, all of which are multi-layered.


  • 1. The New Wine and the Old Cask: Tolerance, Religion, and the Law in Contemporary Europe - S. Ferrari
  • 2. The Limits of Religious Neutrality - G. Bence
  • 3. Agonistic Pluralism and Democratic Citizenship - C. Mouffe
  • 4. A Pluralist Critique of the Constitutional Treatment of Religion - M. Rosenfeld
  • 5. Kymlicka's Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal View - R. Guastini
  • 6. Between Secularization and Multiculturalism - B. Schlink
  • 7. The Problem of the Islamic Veil and the Principle of School Neutrality in France - M. Troper
  • 8. Partial Establishments of Religion in Post-Communist Transition - R. Teitel
  • 9. Religious Identity as a Component of National Identity: Implications for Emerging Church-State Relations in the Former Socialist Bloc - K. Daniel, W.C. Durham
  • 10. Church-State Relationships in Russia: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow - A.A. Krasikov
  • 11. The Relationship Between State and Church in Hungary: The Financing of the Church - B. Schanda
  • 12. New Religions and Religious Freedom in Eastern and Central Europe, with Special Focus on Hungary - J.T. Richardson.

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