Museum public relations


Museum public relations

G. Donald Adams

(AASLH management series, v. 2)

American Association for State and Local History, c1983

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Bibliography: p. 221-227

Includes index



Your museum's success is directly connected to its ability to communicate with the public. It is for this reason that public relations are so important to each and every museum. However, creating a relationship with the community can often be difficult. Thankfully, Donald Adams' Museum Public Relations, the first book dedicated to public relations as a form of museum management, provides the direction to put your institution in touch with those it seeks to serve. Moreover, it demonstrates in an organized and easy-to-read manner ways to identify and evaluate your museum's relationship to its public, while also suggesting how to develop programs that strengthen this relationship. Museum Public Relations contributes an extensive list of references, directing you where to go for more information, while also providing examples of fact sheets, visitor surveys, press releases, feature stories, and public service announcements as models for better understanding how it's all done.

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