Towards an understanding of integrative brain functions : analyses at multiple levels



Towards an understanding of integrative brain functions : analyses at multiple levels

edited by K. Fuxe ... [et al.]

(Brain research reviews, vol. 26, nos. 2/3)

Elsevier, c1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Proceedings of the Nobel Symposium 103, held at the Nobel Forum, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 4-6 June 1997

Includes bibliographical refernces and index



In the first section, the network level is analyzed in terms of cortical maps and microcircuits with a focus on the functional organization of the cerebral cortex. The microscopic and macroscopic interface in brain information processing in the brain is discussed. Section II deals with communication in the central nervous system involving slow and fast synaptic transmissions. Gap-junction wiring is described as another type of brain connectivity. There is also a focus on how the integration of volume and wiring transmission offers new ways to regulate neuronal networks. In Sections III and IV, the analysis extends to the molecular level with again a focus on fast and slow receptors, and how at this level miniaturization through integration can be achieved. Certain key mechanisms for this integration are especially elucidated. In Section V, integration of trophic and cytokine signalling is discussed and how such events participate in neuronal degeneration. The final chapter is devoted to the understanding of cognition, memory and mind on the basis of the integrative events occurring at the network, local circuit, membrane and gene level. This chapter will be of importance to scientists working in the field of artificial neural networks.


Preface. List of Participants. I. Cortical maps and Circuits. II. Wiring and volume transmission. III. Fast and slow receptors and their regulation. IV. Integration at the receptor level and beyond. V. Trophic and cytokine signalling. VI. Cognition, memory and mind. Author Index

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