Experimental methodology


Experimental methodology

Larry B. Christensen

Allyn and Bacon, c1997

7th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references (p. 555-579) and index




Designed for courses in research methods, experimental methods, and methodology. This new edition retains an approach that details the research process and focuses on methodology. This text is organized so that each chapter focuses on a specific step in the research process. Taking advantage of current technology and media, the author has incorporated treatment of the Internet's role in research and uses examples such as the O.J. Simpson trial to bring the text to life. This text takes the diverse topic of methodology and clearly and logically presents it with the accessible and engaging style that has made this book a bestseller in its field for years.


1. What Is Science? 2. Descriptive Research Approaches 3. The Experimental Research Approach 4. Problem Identification and Hypothesis Formation 5. Ethics 6. Variables Used in Experimentation 7. Control in Experimentation 8. Techniques for Achieving Constancy 9. Experimental Research Design 10. Quasi-Experimental Designs 11. Single-Subject Research Designs 12. Data Collection 13. Hypothesis Testing 14. External Validity 15. The Research Report[endnuml]

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