Cell and molecular biology of wood formation



Cell and molecular biology of wood formation

[edited by] R.A. Savidge, J.R. Barnett, R. Napier

(Experimental biology reviews)

BIOS Scientific, 2000

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 18



Includes bibliographical references and index



The application of modern molecular biology techniques is providing new insight into wood formation and the seasonal nature of secondary growth in perennial woody plant species. Extensively illustrated, this new book provides a comprehensive and critical overview of current understanding about the biology of wood formation, with a focus on the development, regulation and biochemistry of cambial growth supplemented by additional considerations of the fundamental factors determining forest productivity, wood quality and heartwood formation.


BIOCHEMISTRY OF SEASONAL CAMBIAL GROWTH AND WOOD FORMATION - AN OVERVIEW OF THE CHALLENGES. Introduction. Practical significance of biochemistry research into cambial growth. Woods: chemically heterogeneous biosynthetic end products. General and specific pathways of development during wood formation. Distinguishing and isolating cells of the cambial region. Manipulating cells of the cambial region. Some of the research challenges. Conclusions. References. CYTOSKELETON, CELL WALLS AND CAMBIUM: NEW INSIGHTS INTO SECONDARY XYLEM DIFFERENTIATION. Introduction. Role of the cytoskeleton in wood formation. A cytoskeletal approach to designer wood. The future. References. ETHYLENE, OXYGEN AND CARBON DIOXIDE IN WOODY STEM DURING GROWTH AND DORMANCY. Introduction. Methods for sampling, identification and quantification of carbon dioxide, oxygen and ethylene. The source of carbon dioxide, oxygen and ethylene. Physiological effects of carbon dioxide, oxygen and ethylene. Conclusions and perspectives for the future. References. CAMBIAL CONIFERIN CONTENT AS AN INDICATOR OF HEALTH STATUS OF CONIFERS. Introduction. Materials and methods. Results and discussion. References. SEASONAL VARIATION IN THE K, Ca AND P CONTENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF PLASMA MEMBRANE H+-ATPase IN THE CAMBIUM OF POPULUS TRICHOCARPA. Introduction. Seasonal variation in the fine structure of the vascular cambium. Seasonal changes of the K, Ca and P content in the cambium. Immunolocalization of PM-H+ATPase activity in the cambium. Conclusions. References. PHOTOSYNTHATE ALLOCATION TO THE VASCULAR CAMBIUM: FACTS AND PROBLEMS. Introduction. The structural relationship of rays and cambium. Accumulation pattern of storage materials and flow rates of sugars and N compounds. Sucrose synthase activity of the cambium zone. References. SYMPLASMIC ORGANIZATION OF THE TRANSPORT PHLOEM AND THE IMPLICATIONS FOR PHOTOSYNTHATE TRANSFER TO THE CAMBIUM. Introduction. The different tasks of the phloem in seed plants. Ultrastructure of the companion cells in dicotyledons. Translocation of photosynthate and lateral release from the transport phloem in dicotyledons. Experimental assessment of the symplasmic organization of the transport phloem. The organization of the transport phloem and the post-phloem pathways. Conclusions on the symplasmic organization of transport phloem. The battle for photosynthates in the apoplast and the consequences for photosynthate supply to the cambium. Speculations on the consequences of the phloem design for photosynthate allocation between axial and terminal sinks. Concluding remarks. References. WATER AND SOLUTE RELATIONS OF THE CARROT CAMBIUM STUDIES AT SINGLE-CELL RESOLUTION. Introduction. Techniques of study. Results. Discussion. References. INFLUENCE OF SUCROSE ON CAMBIAL ACTIVITY. Introduction. Species investigated and general approach. Dynamics of sucrose concentration in cambial tissue. Identification and characterization of cambial derivatives. Conclusions. References. DARK FIXATION BY THE CAMBIUM AND ITS DERIVATIVES. Introduction. Sources of carbon dioxide. Enzymes of dark fixation. Dark fixation in pine cambium. Implications of dark fixation. Conclusion. References. WOOD FORMAITON IN HYBRID ASPEN (POPULUS TREMULA L. X POPULYS TREMULOIDES MICHX) GROWTH UNDER DIFFERENT NITROGEN REGIMES. Introduction. Materials and methods. Results. Discussion. References. THE FORMATION OF CAMBIUM FROM CALLUS IN GRAFTS OF WOODY SPECIES. Introduction. The anatomy of the developing graft union. Factors involved in cambium formation. Consequences for understanding of the cambium. References. CAMBIAL GROWTH AND AUXIN GRADIENTS. Introduction. IAA and cambial growth. Earlier models explaining the role of IAA in seasonal and spatial control of cambial growth. Towards a new concept of the role of IAA in cambial growth. Spatial and seasonal variation of IAA and its control of cambial growth pat

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