Rethinking comparative cultural sociology : repertoires of evaluation in France and the United States


Rethinking comparative cultural sociology : repertoires of evaluation in France and the United States

edited by Michèle Lamont and Laurent Thévenot

(Cambridge cultural social studies)

Cambridge University Press, 2000

  • : hbk
  • : pbk
  • : France only

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 29



Bibliography: p. 328-366

Includes index



This book provides a powerful theoretical framework for understanding cross-national cultural differences. Focusing on France and America, it analyses how the people of these two different cultures mobilise national 'repertoires of evaluation' to make judgements about politics, economics, morals and aesthetics. The analysis draws on eight case studies by eleven French and American researchers who have worked together over a number of years to develop systematic comparisons between these countries. The topics are wide-ranging, comparing how individuals use the cultural tools at their disposal to answer questions such as: are races equal? What constitutes sexual harassment? What is the value of contemporary art? Should journalists be neutral? How can the defense of the environment be reconciled with economic imperatives? Moving beyond simplistic essentialist models of national character, this comparative approach offers important insights that will interest not only sociologists but also political scientists and anthropologists.


  • 1. Introduction: toward a renewed comparative cultural sociology Michele Lamont and Laurent Thevenot
  • Part I. Race, Gender, and Multiculturalism: 2. The rhetorics of racism and anti-racism in France and the United States Michele Lamont
  • 3. Sexual harassment in France and the United States: activists and public figures defend their definitions Abigail Cope Saguy
  • 4. Assessing the literary
  • intellectual boundaries in French and American literary studies Jason Duell
  • Part II. The Cultural Sphere: Publishing, Journalism, and the Arts: 5. Culture or commerce? Symbolic boundaries in French and American book publishing Daniel Weber
  • 6. Involvement and detachment among French and American journalists: to be or not to be a 'real' professional Cyril Lemieux and John Schmalzbauer
  • 7. From rejection of contemporary art to culture war Nathalie Heinich
  • Part III. Political Cultures and Practices
  • 8. Community and civic culture: the Rotary Club in France and the United States Agnes Camus-Vigue
  • 9. Political practice and culture in French and American environmental disputes: 9a. French and American disputes: an introduction Claudette Lafaye, Michael Moody and Laurent Thevenot
  • 9b. Forms of valuing nature: arguments and modes of justification in French and American environmental disputes Laurent Thevenot, Michael Moody and Claudette Lafaye
  • 9c. Comparing models of strategy, interests, and the public good in French and American environmental disputes Michael Moody and Laurent Thevenot
  • 10. Conclusion: Exploring the French and the American polity Laurent Thevenot and Michele Lamont.

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