Passive electronic component handbook


    • Harper, Charles A.


Passive electronic component handbook

Charles A. Harper, editor in chief

McGraw-Hill, c1997

2nd ed

  • :acid-free paper

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Rev. ed. of: Handbook of components for electronics. c1977

Includes bibliographical references and index



Here's the fully updated and revised edition of the most comprehensive standard reference on electronic components - and the first such revision in over 15 years! It gives electronics engineers, designers, and technicians quick, reliable one-volume access to critical characteristic data, performance curves, and design guidelines. The full range of component technologies is covered, including resistors, capacitors, transformers, relays and switches, batteries, fuse and protective components, filters and transient voltage protection devices, wiring and cabling, connectors, and enabling devices. More than a mere rehashing of manufacturer specs, this unique handbook provides working electronics professionals and mechanical engineers with the practical data they need to more effectively select optimal components for their intended functional performance in virtually any electronics system. Along with its companion volume, the "Active Electronic Component Handbook", this resource belongs on every designer's bookshelf.


Resistors.Capacitors.Transformers and Inductive Devices.Relays and Switches. Batteries.Overcurrent Protective Components.Filters. Connectors and Interconnection Technology.Electronic Device Cooling.Component Handling with ESD Control.

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