Engendering development : through gender equality in rights, resources, and voice


Engendering development : through gender equality in rights, resources, and voice

(A World Bank policy research report)

World Bank , Oxford University Press, c2001

  • summary

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 36



Includes bibliographical references (p. 321-357) and index

"This booklet contains the summary of Engendering Development - Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources, and Voice. It also includes table of contents for the text of the book. The full-length report has been copublished by the World Bank and Oxford University Press."--Summary of t.p. verso.



This Policy Research Report by the World Bank focuses on gender issues and their broad economic and social implications in developing and transitional countries. The report examines the conceptual and empirical links between gender, public policy, and development outcomes and demonstrates the value of applying a gender perspective to the design of development policies. The evidence presented shows that societies that discriminate by gender pay a high price in terms of their ability to develop and to reduce poverty. To promote gender equality, the report proposes a 3-part strategy emphasising institutional reforms, based on a foundation of equal rights for women and men; policies for sustained economic development; and active measures to redress persistent gender disparities.The report presents new data and analyses and reviews an extensive development literature, is intended as a tool for policy makers, development specialists, and members of civil society who are promoting, designing, and implementing development strategies. [World Bank website]

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