Contexts of metaphor


    • Leezenberg, Michiel


Contexts of metaphor

Michiel Leezenberg

(Current research in the semantics/pragmatics interface, v. 7)

Elsevier, 2001

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 35



Includes bibliographical references (p. 305-316) and index



This study presents an approach to metaphor that systematically takes contextual factors into account. It analyses how metaphors both depend on, and change, the context in which they are uttered, and specifically, how metaphorical interpretation involves the articulation of asserted, implied and presupposed material. It supplements this semantic analysis with a practice-based account of metaphor at the conceptual level, which stresses the role of sociocultural factors in concept formation.


Preface Introduction Chapters From the History of Metaphor The Pre- and Protohistory of Metaphor Prehistorical and preliterate societies Metaphor in Mesopotamia: Sumer and Akkad Aristotle on Metaphor, Comparison, and Similarity Abd al-Qahir al-Jurjani's Mysteries of Eloquence Giambattista Vico: Metaphor and the Origin of Language Twentieth-Century Views of Metaphor Semantic Approaches Referentialist views Descriptivist views Intermezzo: metaphor in generative grammar Pragmatic Approaches The Gricean program Searle The Davidsonian Program: Metaphor Without Meaning Conceptualist Approaches: Cognitive Semantics Metaphor and Context Metaphor and Context-Dependence Kaplan's logic of demonstratives Context-dependence of property expressions Metaphor and the logic of demonstratives A comparison: Stern's 'metaphor as demonstrative' Metaphorical Assertion Stalnakerian views of assertion Pragmatic intrusion: the neo-Gricean program Thematic dimensions, presupposition, and assertion Extensions: scope and shift of dimensions Novel metaphor Metaphor, Concept, and Society Conceptualist Views of Metaphor: A Radical Critique Extending cognitive semantics: Gibbs & Indurkhya A Wittgensteinian critique of concepts Metaphor and Concept Formation: A Vygotskyan Approach Vygotsky: concepts, language, and context Similarity and the role of theories Concepts and metaphor Beyond Literal Meaning Bibliography Index

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