Subtle bodies : representing angels in Byzantium


    • Peers, Glenn


Subtle bodies : representing angels in Byzantium

Glenn Peers

(The transformation of the classical heritage, 32)

University of California Press, 2001

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes bibliographical references and index



Throughout the course of Byzantine history, Christian doctrine taught that angels have a powerful place in cosmology. It also taught that angels were immaterial, bodiless, invisible beings. But if that were the case, how could they be visualized and depicted in icons and other works of art? This book describes the strategies used by Byzantine artists to represent the incorporeal forms of angels and the rationalizations in defense of their representations mustered by theologians in the face of iconoclastic opposition. Glenn Peers demonstrates that these problems of representation provide a unique window on Late Antique thought in general.


List of Illustrations Acknowledgments Abbreviations Introduction 1. Issues in Representing Angels 2. Arguments against Images of Angels 3. Representing Angels: Images and Theory 4. The Veneration of Angels and Their Images 5. Apprehending the Archangel Michael Conclusion Bibliography Index

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