English in North America


English in North America

edited by John Algeo

(The Cambridge history of the English language / edited by Richard M. Hogg, v. 6)

Cambridge University Press, 2001

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 173



Bibliography: p. 516-567

Includes index



Volume VI of The Cambridge History of the English Language traces the history of English in North America from its British background to its present position among the varieties of English used around the globe. The influences that have formed American English include the political, social, and cultural changes in American life, contact with other languages in North America, and continuing immigration from the British Isles and around the globe. In this book, sixteen leading authorities in the field consider how the vocabulary (both standard and slang), grammar, spelling, and usage in both the standard language and regional and social dialects have evolved in response to these influences, and examine the relationship of and interaction between British and American English. Separate chapters deal with African-American English, Canadian English and Newfoundland English and the volume also includes suggestions for further reading, a glossary of linguistic terms, and an extensive bibliography.


  • 1. External history John Algeo
  • 2. British and American, continuity and divergence John Hurt Fisher
  • 3. British and Irish antecedents Michael Montgomery
  • 4. Contact with other languages Suzanne Romaine
  • 5. Americanisms Frederic G. Cassidy and Joan H. Hall
  • 6. Slang Jonathan Lighter
  • 7. Dialects Lee Pederson
  • 8. African-American English Salikoko Mufwene
  • 9. Grammatical structure Ronald R. Butters
  • 10. Spelling Richard Venezky
  • 11. Usage Edward Finegan
  • 12. Canadian English Laurel J. Brinton and Margery Fee
  • 13. Newfoundland English William Kirwin
  • 14. American English abroad Richard Bailey.

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  • ISBN
    • 9780521264792
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xxxii, 625 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名
  • 親書誌ID