Nation and province in the first British Empire : Scotland and the Americas, 1600-1800


Nation and province in the first British Empire : Scotland and the Americas, 1600-1800

edited by Ned C. Landsman

(Studies in eighteenth-century Scotland)

Bucknell University Press , Associated University Presses, c2001

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



"Published in association with the Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society"

Includes index



For more than four decades, historians have devoted ever-increasing attention to the affinites that linked Scotland with the American colonies in the eighteenth century. This volume moves beyond earlier discussions in two ways. For one, the geographical coverage of the papers extends beyond the territories that became the United States to include what became Canada, The Carribean and even Africa. For another, the volume attends not only those areas in which Scotland was closely linked to the Americas, but also to those where it was not.

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