The American tradition in qualitative research


The American tradition in qualitative research

edited by Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln

(SAGE benchmarks in research methods)

SAGE, 2001

  • : set
  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 52



Includes bibliographical references



The four volumes cover six central themes in American Qualitative Research: (1) History, Ethics, Politics; (2) Paradigms (positivism, postpositivism, interpretive theory, queer theory, Marxism, feminism, cultural studies, standpoint theory; (3) Strategies of Inquiry (Ethnography, Case Study, Life Story, Historical Method, Grounded Theory, Action Research, Ethnomethodology); (4) Methods of Collecting Empirical Materials (Interview, Observation, Document Analysis, Visual Culture, Narrative Content, Semiotic Methods); (5) Interpretive Practices (Causal Modules, Interpretive Validity, Politics of Interpretation, Art of Writing; (6) The Future.


VOLUME ONE Appendix of Sources Editors' Introduction PART ONE: HISTORY, ETHICS, POLITICS AND PARADIGMS OF INQUIRY Section One: History and Ethics Qualitative Methods - Arthur J Vidich and Stanford M Lyman Their History in Sociology and Anthropology Action Anthropology - Sol Tax Whose Side Are We On? - Howard S Becker Black Bourgeoisie - E Franklin Frazier Public and Academic Reactions Sociological Snoopers and Journalistic Moralizers - Nicholas von Hoffman An Exchange Ethics - Yvonna S Lincoln and Egon G Guba The Failure of Positivist Science Emerging Criteria for Quality in Qualitative and Interpretive Research - Yvonna S Lincoln Section Two: Positivism, Postpositivism and Constructivism Methodological Principles of Empirical Science - Herbert Blumer Situated Knowledges - Donna Haraway The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective Section Three: Feminism, Radicalized Discourse, Critical Theory Criteria of Negro Art - W E B Du Bois Research - Zora Neale Hurston A Blueprint for Negro Authors - Nick Aaron Ford An American Dilemma - Ralph Ellison A Review The Homeland Aztlan and Movimientos de rebeldia y las culturas que traicionan - Gloria Anzald[ac]ua Toward An Afrocentric Feminist Epistemology - Patricia Hill Collins Saving Black Folk Culture - Bell Hooks Zora Neale Hurston as Anthropologist and Writer The Black Arts Movement - Larry Neal Coloring Epistemologies - James Joseph Scheurich and Michelle D Young Are Our Research Epistemologies Racially Biased? A Manifesto for Cyborgs - Donna Haraway Science, Technology and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s Section Four: Poststructural and Postcolonial Theory Thick Description - Clifford Geertz Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture Can the Subaltern Speak? - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak From Orientalism - Edward Said Section Five: Queer Theory Questions of Method - Michel Foucault Imitation and Gender Insubordination - Judith Butler Preface to The Use of Pleasure - Michel Foucault VOLUME TWO PART TWO: STRATEGIES OF INQUIRY Section One: Ethnography Revisiting Street Corner Society after Fifty Years - William Foote Whyte Blurred Genres - Clifford Geertz The Refiguration of Social Thought Introduction - Ruth Behar Out of Exile An End to Innocence - John Van Maanen The Ethnography of Ethnography The `Ethnographic Society' at Century's End - Ken Plummer Clarifying the Role of Public Ethnography Fieldwork in the Era of Globalization - Arjun Appadurai The Ethnographers' Ball - Revisited - Patricia A Adler and Peter Adler Section Two: Performance Ethnography The Farmer's Daughter - Michal McCall A Performance Text Beyond the Text - Dwight Conquergood Toward a Performative Cultural Politics Performing Theory/Embodied Writing - D Soyini Madison Section Three: Case Study Value of Delinquent Boy's Own Story - Clifford R Shaw The Case Study Method in Social Inquiry - Robert E Stake Critique Checklist for a Case Study Report - Robert E Stake Section Four: Life History Suggested Outline to Be Followed in Studying and Writing the Life History of a Deviant - Edwin M Lemert The Life Story Approach - Daniel Bertaux and Martin Kohli A Continental View Life History and the Critique of American Sociological Practice - Paul C Luken and Suzanne Vaughan Section Five: Testimonio Testimonio and Postmodernism - George Y[ac]udice The Torture and Death of Her Little Brother, Burnt Alive in Front of Members of Their Families and the Community - Rigoberta Mench[ac]u The Death of Petrocinio - David Stoll Our Rigoberta? I, Rigoberta Menchu, Cultural Authority, and the Problem of Subaltern Agency - John Beverley Section Six: Grounded Theory The Discovery of Grounded Theory and Applying Grounded Theory - Barney G Glaser and Anselm L Strauss Grounded Theory - Kathy Charmaz Grounded Theory as an Emerging Paradigm for Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis - Markku Lonkila Section Seven: Interpretive Practice and Ethnomethodology Theorizing as Ideology - Dorothy Smith The Origins of the Term `Ethnomethodology' - Harold Garfinkel Poststructuralist Theory as Political Necessity - Dorinne Kondo Analytic Ethnography - John Lofland Features, Failings and Futures Poetics of Voice and Maps of Space - Paula Saukko Two Trends within Empirical Research in Cultural Studies At the Border of Narrative and Ethnography - Jaber F Gubrium and James A Holstein Analyzing Talk and Text - David Silverman Section Eight: Action Research and Clinical Research Practical Anthropology - Bronislaw Malinowski Current Issues, Problems, and Trends to Advance Qualitative Paradigmatic Research Methods for the Future - Madeleine Leininger Participatory Action Research - William Foote Whyte, Davydd J Greenwood and Pater Lazes Through Practice to Science in Social Research Feminist Participatory Action Research - Bev Gatenby and Maria Humphries Methodological and Ethical Issues VOLUME THREE PART THREE: METHODS OF COLLECTING EMPRICIAL MATERIALS Section One: Interview Of Sociology and the Interview - Mark Benney and Everett C Hughes Interviewing Women - Ann Oakley A Contradiction in Terms Kundera's Immortality - Paul Atkinson and David Silverman The Interview Society and the Invention of the Self The Active Interview in Perspective - James A Holstein and Jaber F Gubrium Section Two: Observations From Participant Observation to the Observation of Participation - Barbara Tedlock The Emergence of Narrative Ethnography Rethinking Observation - Michael V Angrosino and Kimberly Mays de Perez From Method to Context Section Three: Visual Methods Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson on The Use of the Camera in Anthropology - Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead The Performative Visual Anthropology Films of Zora Neale Hurston - Elaine S Charnov Shadow Catchers or Shadow Snatchers? Ethical Issues for Photographers of Contemporary Native Americans - Lee Philip Brumbaugh Section Four: Autoethnography Auto-Ethnography - David M Hayano Paradigms, Problems and Prospects The Other Side of the Fence - Carolyn Ellis Seeing Black and White in a Small Southern Town The Next Night Sous Rature - Carol Rambo Ronai Wrestling with Derrida's Mimesis Torch - Stacy Holman Jones Section Five: Document Analysis and Material Culture The Case for Personal Documents - Gordon W Allport Ethical Considerations in Anthropology and Archaeology - Merrilee H Salmon or Relativism and Justice for All Dialogics of Material Culture - Kathleen Barlow and David Lipset Male and Female in Murik Outrigger Canoes Part Six: Narrative Methods The Challenge of Qualitative Content Analysis - Sigfried Kracauer Myth Today - Roland Barthes Encoding, Decoding - Stuart Hall Grandma's Story - Trinh T Minh-ha Section Seven: Representing and Analyzing Empirical Materials The Quest for Universals in Sociological Research - Ralph H Turner Telling about Society - Howard S Becker Writing-Stories - Laurel Richardson Co-Authoring `The Sea Monster,' a Writing-Story Section Eight: Focus Goups Purpose and Criteria - Robert K Merton, Marjorie Fiske and Patricia L Kendall Focus Groups - Richard A Krueger Focus Groups in Feminist Research - Esther Madriz Section Nine: Applied Ethnography Anti-Minotaur - Alvin W Gouldner The Myth of a Value-Free Sociology Applying Ethnography - Eleanor Lyon A Crisis of Representation in the Human Sciences - George E Marcus and Michael M J Fischer VOLUME FOUR PART FOUR: INTERPRETIVE PRACTICES Section One: Interpretive Criteria Ethnographic Evaluation - Donald W Dorr-Bremme A Theory and Method Section Two: Politics and Practices of Interpretation Fertile Obsession - Patti Lather Validity after Poststructuralism Telling Tales of the South Pacific - Lola Romanucci-Ross Multiple Subjectivities and Strategic Positionality - Graciela Hern[ac]andez Zora Neale Hurston's Experimental Ethnographies Section Three: Writing: A Method of Inquiry Letters to Dwight Macdonald - C Wright Mills On Intellectual Craftsmanship - C Wright Mills Writing Ethnographic Narratives - Linda Brodkey Self, Truth and Form - Susan Krieger Lessons from Georgia O'Keeffe Section Four: Poetics Tribal Fire and Scribal Ice - Ivan Brady Experience and Poetics in Anthropological Writing - Edith Turner That Rare Feeling - Corrine Glesne Re-Presenting Research through Poetic Transcription Poetry and Ethnography - Dennis Tedlock A dialogical Approach Section Five: Qualitative Program Evaluation Qualitative Program Evaluation - Jennifer C Greene Practice and Promise Evaluation Research and the Practice of Social Services - Donileen R Loseke A Case for Qualitative Methodology Section Six: Policy Analysis On the Application of Qualitative Research to the Policy Process - Ray C Rist An Emergent Linkage Policy as Communication and the Naturalistic Study of the Use of Policy Research - Steven Maynard-Moody Section Seven: The Future: Tensions and Transformations Concept Mapping as a Feminist Research Method - Rebecca Campbell and Deborah A Salem Examining the Community Response to Rape Return to Sumatra - Edward M Bruner 1957, 1997 Histories and Horoscopes - Mary Hamilton The Ethnographer as Fortune-Teller Comment on `Histories and Horoscopes: The Ethnographer as Fortune-Teller' - Wendy Luttrell I Yam What I Am - Rhonda Baynes Jeffries Examining Qualitative Research Through the Ethnographic Self, the Literary `Other', and the Academy Advantages and Challenges of Using Inclusive Evaluation Approaches in Evaluation Practice - Katherine Ryan et al The Anthro in Cali - Miles Richardson Two Poems - Ivan Brady

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